Ok, so almost anyone in the wedding photography industry knows who Jasmine Star is, and have I mentioned before how fabulous she is? Here are a few of the reasons I love her.
1. She is honest to God - real.
2. She admits her insecurities.
3. Jasmine tells her readers about her flaws and mistakes.
4. She knows how to incorporate beautiful light into her images.
5. She is so encouraging that every follower (sounds like a cult), feels like they know her on a personal level.
6. Jasmine talks really, really fast and so do I!!!
7. She is absolutely a space cadet and gets easily distracted in mid-sentence, much like myself:)
Reasons I love my husband:
1. He works so hard to provide for our family.
2. He makes me a better person.
3. I have never met anyone with a more tender and beautiful heart, even though you wouldn't know it by looking at him.
Funny Side Story: When I was teaching high school, I used to always tell my students that when we were in the kitchen to keep their eyes open on the back door. There are alot of reasons to be careful. So, one day, I knew my husband was stopping by, but forgot to tell my students. One of my students, looks at me and says, "Ahh, Mrs. Randall, there is a really scary guy at the back door." I still giggle about this every time I think of it.
4. He keeps his promises, even though I get impatient waiting for some of them to come to fruition.
5. He might get annoyed or irritated with me, but I never doubt his love. He loves me just the way I am.
Now that everyone feels all warm and fuzzy inside. Check ya later.